I have finally found time to update my blog after being away from it for so long. It is amazing how little time I have had due to teaching and running a FLGS. I started up Pegasus Gaming at a time when I had no relief work at all and about a week after I started teaching took off so time became a premium. But I have now managed to find a good mix, with the help of my lovely wife and some good friends, and so I now have some spare time.
In fact I have actually managed to get some painting done as well. I have painted up some Sohei Monks for Ronin (the Samurai skirmish game). I have not yet taken photos of them yet but will post them up soon.
The reason for this post is that today I received my new terrain from Kallistra Ltd. I have bought enough to play Battle Cry and other Command & Colours games as well as FFG's new Battle Lore. Having now seen it up close, I wouldn't mind getting enough for a 6' x 4' table. Anyway, pictures are better than words so here they are.
These are just photos of the hexon system by itself.
These show the hills and woods tiles that are placed on top. The woods will have trees (probably 2-3mm scale ) on them ready for the above games so these are just stand in trees. The figures are 15mm ACW that we shown in a previous post.
This one shows some of the river sections as well as the mountain pieces.
This is a close up of the mountains and you can just see the rough terrain in the bottom right corner.
And here is a better view of the rough.
This one shows the road.
And a close up.
Well that's it for this post, hopefully I will be posting more frequently. C&C's always welcome.
Farewell to Warhammer.
4 weeks ago