A big yippee! goes out to FFG as they are going to release an updated version of Dungeonquest. This was not unexpected when I heard that they had bought the rights to the old GW games. Can not wait for it and to see what other games they bring out.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Superhero THW-style
I am currently working on superhero rules using various THW rule sets. So hopefully soon I will have some photos of play test games.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wings of War Balloon Buster
My Balloon Busters set arrived – the one with the French pilot. Here is a photo of the contents (I am going to have to upgrade Flckr as soon as possible)
First Six Gun Sound battle report
I played my first Six Gun Sound (by THW see my links) game today, this was a small game to try and learn the rules. I think I got most of the rules ok except for this: I was giving the sheriff too many shots as it was only on the last turn that I discovered the rule for reaction and action fire using the target number of the weapon. There may have been others that I was not aware that I missed.
My flickr account for April has been maxed so I am hoping these photos come out all right.
Word had gotten round that the Dilton brothers were coming to Paradise to spend their latest loot. On the way, the Diltons’ befriended a young cowboy by the name of Samuel and were going to have fun in town.
Sheriff Withers and his deputy Jack, decided to intervene. As the Diltons made their way into town, one of their informants gets word about the sheriff to them and so they attempt to sneak into town. This is where the batrep begins.
Introducing the cast:
Sheriff Withers – rep 4, toughness 4, sand 4, armed with a pistol and rifle.
Deputy Jack – rep 3, t 4, s 4, armed with two pistols
Zack Dilton – rep 4, t 4, s 5, armed with two pistols
Ben Dilton – rep 5, t 4, s 5, armed with a scatter gun
Samuel – rep 3, t 4, t 4 armed with 2 pistols
Law set up:
Outlaw set up:
I am using the gunfight encounter out of the rule book and the above characters were rolled up using the various tables with in the rules.
Turn one
L 6 O2
The outlaws move around to the front of the building they are hiding behind and as they are unable to see anyone, no shots are possible.
Turn two
L4 O3
Lawmen move first. Sheriff Withers moves first and moves to the front of the saloon. The 2 outlaws and the cowboy spot the sheriff and make their ‘got a shot’ checks: Zack Dilton raises a pistol to fire but before he can, Withers sights down his rifle and takes a shot but misses.
Ben Dilton fires his scattergun but is out of range and misses. Samuel has trouble drawing his pistol and misses his chance to fire (passed 0d6).
In response, the sheriff once again draws a bead on Zack, pulls the trigger and again misses. Zack returns fires at Withers but the shot goes wild. The sheriff inhales gently pulls the trigger and manages to hit Zack in the guts and he goes OOF.
The deputy moves around to the corner of the saloon but cannot see any one yet.
Ben Dilton moves to the corner of the general store and shoots at the sheriff. Luckily for the sheriff the balcony support pole he is behind deflects both the shots (I decided that the support beams would only obscure anyone behind them and not provide cover due to their size).
Withers returns fire and manages to hit Ben in his gun arm (only both arms and head are visible) and causes him to go OOF. The sheriff got lucky this turn as the pole managed to deflect both shot from the scattergun and when he shot back he managed to hit Ben even though he was behind cover.
Having seen his new found friends fall, a rush of adrenaline surges through Samuel and he continues to fight as he passes his ‘continue fightin’’ roll.
Turn 3
L 3 06
This adrenaline rush does not last long as Samuel thinks about how close this friendship really is and as a result he does not react this turn.
Sheriff moves up closer and using the next support pole as a rest he takes a shot at Samuel. As he does so the rifle slips slightly and the shot goes wild. Samuel shoots from the hip at the sheriff and Withers turns out to be the luckiest S.O.B in the west as one again the pole he is behind is hit instead (again obscuring cover effects the shot). He chooses to return fire and hits Samuel in the chest causing a heavy wound (-2 to his rep).
The deputy moves to the corner and start to take aim. Samuel takes a shot hoping to cause the deputy to flinch but all it does is throw the deputy’s aim out and as a result Jack’s return shots misses.
Turn 4.
L6 02
Believing the cowboy will surrender, the lawmen don’t act this turn. Samuel moves behind the boxes nearest him, for cover and at this point he realises that his chest wound is going to make it hard to continue (due to the negative on his rep it is near impossible to hit anyone) so puts his hands up, surrenders and calls for a doctor.
Samuel is taken to Doc Tangent to be fixed up before his hangin’ and peace descends on Paradise once more.
I hoped you enjoyed this report and any comments and thoughts are welcomed.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Paradise Citizens move in
Today my two terrain mats from Terrain Mats arrived. Very nice indeed. I have taken quite a few photos of some buildings on the western mat and some wings of war on the western front mat.
I forgot to add one of my painted Arnica buildings on the table and I have yet to paint up 2 more and 3 more have not yet been sent from the Arnica guys.
I have my citizen plus 4 cowboys on the table plus some other scenery that has been made up. On the square bases are my version of tumble weeds.
The two mats are below. The western front has detail on either side and as my dining table is not large enough, it will be in two photos.
A few photos follow of Paradise with out citizens.

Hopefully you all enjoyed these photos and I look forward to running some games. Just remembered I need to paint up some more cowboys.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Megaladon’s hunger increases
Here are the next 250 pts worth of my Tyranid army. The Tervigon is a HQ choice that can generate 3d6 worth of termagaunts each round (for free – yay!!. I have 16 termagaunts painted at the moment.
The Brood lord is an upgrade for my genestealer unit. Any way here are some photos.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
More Arnica Buildings
Here are some more photos of more Arnica buildings.
This is a hotel. I have yet to put a sign on it as I am not quite sure of what I will be calling it. The next 3 photos will be of different angles.
The next photo is of the Laundry. At some point I will make an add on piece that will have a few clothes lines etc on it.
And this last one is of the Mercantile – distressed.
Again, no signs and these will be added later. Only when I was painting the mercantile building did I notice that the roof was for a different building as it is quite a bit longer than the building (my only minor issue- as I am not going to even try and cut the roof down to size).
My mat from terrain mat has been dispatched so I am hoping to have some town shots and a review of the mat soon.